Services | LinkAble

LinkAble is a place to feel safe and comfortable being yourself, with room to grow at your own pace.  

We provide activities and experiences that people might only be able to access with the expert support of our specially trained staff. Our team brings to life the LinkAble belief that 'everyone deserves the opportunity to participate in meaningful activities, regardless of their needs'. 

Our promise to you

With person-centred care at the heart of everything we do, we promise to support the unique needs, preferences and values of every person who uses our services. We are here for people with a learning disability and autistic people at every stage of their life, from five years old, with no upper limit. 

What services can you choose from?

  • No Limits (18+) - Our service for adults. It’s all about living life to the full! Try fun new things, make friends and practice life skills. Are you ready to choose your own adventure?  
  • Next Steps (12 - 18) - Supporting you on the journey to adulthood. Learn new skills, build independence and explore your community. Are you excited to take the next steps
  • Play (5 - 11) - Explore the world around you in a safe and supported environment. Be yourself, have fun and be celebrated for who you are. Let’s play! 

Who are these services for? 

We support people with autistic spectrum condition, global developmental delay, Down's Syndrome, speech and language difficulties, along with a wide range of other disabilities. Many of the children, teens and adults we support also have additional needs, like epilepsy or diabetes; we strive to accommodate any individual who needs us.  

Read our frequently asked questions for more information. 

To join LinkAble groups, the first step is to register with us

LinkAble is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1119596 and company number 06056940 at The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HE. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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