Play | LinkAble

Play is our service for kids who want to have fun, make friends and explore the exciting world around them.  

Our focus on play, social interaction and development in a safe environment makes LinkAble a great place for children with a learning disability and autistic children to learn and grow. You can choose from activity sessions at the weekend during term time and playschemes during the holidays.

A person-centred approach 

We prioritise the well-being and happiness of every child in our care. Our staff and volunteers are highly trained to understand a wide range of disabilities and can provide one-to-one support where necessary. We pride ourselves on a high staff-to-child ratio and strive to build strong relationships with both our children and their families.

Our facilities 

At The Link, our accessible centre in Woking, you will find many fun and engaging facilities. We have a large hall filled with toys and craft materials, a huge outside space with climbing frames and outdoor musical instruments, a recently refurbished sensory room and an engaging soft play room. There’s something for everyone!   

You need to be registered with LinkAble to attend. We have a waiting list, so please contact us as soon as possible to be added. 

Enquire about Play

A blue and green background with Play term time groups written in white

A safe and supported environment for children and young people, where they can be themselves, make friends and try lots of fun activities.

What's on during term time?

  • Saturday: Saturday Play, 9:30am – 3:30pm - Engaging onsite activities and trips across Surrey. Who wants to visit Bocketts Farm?! 
  • Sunday: Stay and Play, 2 - 4pm - An opportunity for children to enjoy the LinkAble facilities with their parents/carers.  
A blue and green background with Play holiday schemes written in white

An exciting programme of activities and trips to get stuck into during half-terms, Easter, summer holidays and Christmas.

Find out more

Further support

We can offer a bursary to a limited number of low-income families. Find out more.

LinkAble is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1119596 and company number 06056940 at The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HE. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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