Donate practical items | LinkAble

Did you know we spend around £500 a year just on essential items like baby wipes, gloves and first aid equipment? 

Of course, keeping our sessions safe and sanitary is our top priority, so we can get through a lot of these types of items. 

You can be an amazing help and buy some of these items for us, which frees up our funds to use elsewhere, like for trips and fun crafts materials! 

There are two ways you can help us, either you can bring items with you when you drop off the person you care for at The Link, or you can purchase them directly for us, using the links below. 

Here are some of the things you can buy for us:

Please send items to: The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking GU21 5HE

Every single item will make a difference to our work and mean we can concentrate our funds on the things that really matter.

A row of three images of young people having fun in the park, playing with shaving foam and making pizza
LinkAble is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1119596 and company number 06056940 at The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HE. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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