Charlotte | LinkAble

Lucy, Mum to Charlotte, talks about how LinkAble impacts her whole family. 

My daughter Charlotte is eight and is diagnosed with Tetrasomy Isochromosome 18p, a very rare chromosomal disorder. She has Global Development Delay and a brain age of around three. Charlotte is pre-verbal and uses a combination of pre-verbal speech, signs and PODD communication. Charlotte also has a brother named Jack, who is 11 and transitioning from primary to secondary school.

I can't fully express the impact LinkAble has on our family. Jack truly benefits from the support just as much as Charlotte does. When we found out about Charlotte’s diagnosis, my first worry was the impact on Jack. How would it affect his wellbeing if I had to dedicate so much time to Charlotte? What would his relationship with his sister be like?

Thankfully, because of LinkAble, Jack has a brilliant relationship with Charlotte, which is everything I could have hoped for. I can confidently say that LinkAble's support has been a major contributing factor.

When Charlotte attends LinkAble's Saturday activities, it gives me quality time to spend with Jack. We enjoy activities like bike rides and board games which aren't possible with Charlotte due to her support needs. This time is incredibly important for both Jack and I. It has resulted in a happy and fulfilled child, who absolutely loves spending time with his sister.

LinkAble provides a reliable service, which is vital when you have a child with additional needs. When you book with LinkAble, you know it’s going to happen. Because of LinkAble's reliability, Jack knows that if Charlotte is going to LinkAble, he is guaranteed some one-on-one time.

I never feel guilty leaving Charlotte at LinkAble because I know she has enriching experiences that help her develop and socialise. It's not just a case of Jack and I Jack having some time together—Charlotte benefits just as much from her time at LinkAble.

When I pick Charlotte up from LinkAble, she is sad to leave. That tells me everything I need to know! The staff at LinkAble are so smiley and enthusiastic; it always feels like I’m leaving her in safe hands.

LinkAble plays a key role in why we have such a strong family unit, as both my children are happy, supported, and fulfilled. The support we receive during holiday periods also impacts us financially. Without LinkAble and similar services, I wouldn’t be able to work. I can’t imagine what life would be like for my family without LinkAble.

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