Woking Rotary Club Swimathon | LinkAble

The Woking Rotary Club Swimathon will take place on Sunday 2th October 2022 at the Pool in the Park, Woking.

The annual event is in its 14th year and has raised over £190,000 for local charities.
Organisers are looking for a total of 60 teams of up to six members per team to swim for 55 minutes each hour between 9am and 7pm. 

Each team is allocated a lane; however, only one team member swims at a time.  On average this means that each member swims between 10 and 20 lengths during the 55 minutes. There is, however, is no need for each team member to swim the same number of lengths. 

Every team member invites sponsorship for their team.

The money raised this year will be shared between five local charities who are:

Mayor's Charity (LinkAble)

SAMBER (Riding for the Disabled)

Woking & Sam Beare Hospices

Woking High School

Swan Academy

other local charities supported by Rotary Club of Woking Benevolent Fund

If you wish to take part and at the same time help local charities please call Terry on 01483 762832 to book a swim time (there are only six teams an hour so the earlier you book the more choice you have) or visit www.rotarywoking.co.uk.

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