Frequently asked questions | LinkAble

Who can use LinkAble services? 

Our services are accessible to anyone with a learning disability or autism over the age of five. We also have adult groups for those aged 18 and above. Importantly, we don't require a formal diagnosis or specific benefits entitlement for access. We strive to support all people, regardless of the complexity of their need.

Can people from outside Woking use LinkAble's services? 

Certainly! We have attendees from Godalming, Surrey Heath, Runnymede and Guildford. The warm, welcoming atmosphere at LinkAble and our unique services attract people with learning disabilities from many neighbouring areas to Woking.  

Is a referral necessary to access your services? 

Our goal is to provide support to as many people as possible, so with this in mind, you do not need a referral from a healthcare professional (although we do accept referrals from them).  

Social workers can refer individuals, parents/carers can refer, and individuals can self-refer. Our referral process always starts by collecting specific information that helps us understand each individual's needs and preferences.  

How do we notify people about available bookings? 

Once registered with LinkAble, you will be notified about available bookings by email. We also provide diaries in advance so you can choose which activities you would like to take part in.  

Can individuals with sensory issues or very complex needs attend LinkAble's services? 

Yes, our services are all-inclusive. We aim to make activities accessible to any person with a learning disability, including those with additional health needs. While there may be some very rare cases where we might not be the most appropriate venue due to exceptionally complex needs, our staff have extensive experience and knowledge. We make informed decisions about who we can support and strive to accommodate individuals with a wide range of needs.  

LinkAble is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1119596 and company number 06056940 at The Link, 2 Board School Road, Woking, GU21 5HE. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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